Editor feature

Mirror and flip your images

Express your creativity with a few clicks. Reflect and flip an image with our easy-to-use editor.

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Designed for simplicity

Good things come in threes. Upload an image, reflect and flip, and edit your picture for a wow effect.

Upload icon


Quick and simple, upload your image.

Mirror icon

Mirror and flip

Reflect and roate your image.

Edit icon


Edit for extra effects and download the image.

Mirror image

Mirror and flip images

In photography, image mirroring is the process of reflecting an image across the vertical or horizontal axis. If you flip the image horizontally, you will see a mirror reflection effect, while if you flip it vertically, you will see an object's reflection in the water (also called a water reflection effect). The mirror effect often adds a surreal feel to photos that captivates the viewer. Using our rotation tool, you can easily adjust the orientation of a photo. Rotate the image by 90 degrees to tilt it sideways or 180 degrees to turn it upside down.

How to mirror and flip

Start by uploading your image. In the top section of the canvas, click on the "Flip horizontal" icon. To flip it, click on the "Rotation" icon next to it. For extra effects, take advantage of our free filters and editing tools. Once you are ready, click the Resize button to download your image.

More tools and features

Resize icon


Resize your images to the perfect size.

Crop icon


Crop the perfect frame and enhance your image.

Resize icon

Bulk resize

Resize multiple images at once with a few simple clicks.

Compress icon


Set the quality and reduce the size of your images.

Convert icon


Convert your images to JPG, PNG, and WEBP.

Watermark icon


Showcase your logo and protect your work.

Text icon

Add text

Add text to your images to tell a story.

Black and white icon

Black and white

Convert your images to black and white for a vintage look.