Compress your images online

Smaller images mean faster load times. With our free image compressor, you can reduce the size of your JPG, PNG, and WebP pictures with the click of a button.

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Upload image
Drop an image or click here
Resizing images the easy way! mascot

Designed for simplicity

Good things come in threes. Upload an image, select a compression quality, and download the compressed file.

Upload icon


Quick and simple, upload your image.

Compress icon


Select a compression quality.

Edit icon


Edit for extra effects and download the image.

Compress image

Image compression can help reduce image file sizes. Depending on how an image was taken, the file size can vary greatly. For instance, a JPG file from a high-end camera can be tens of megabytes in size. Depending on the requirements, this file size could be too large. Compressing the image would be extremely helpful, especially when uploading to a website. Since smaller images mean faster load times and improved user experience, uses a smart and fast bilinear algorithm to compress images. Our editor supports three file formats: JPEG, PNG, and WebP. Our algorithm is based on lossy compression. Lossy compression works by analyzing uploaded images and reducing them in size without negatively compromising the overall quality.

How to compress an image

Start by uploading your image. In the left-hand column, next to the canvas, select the "Compress" dropdown. The default is no compression. Our editor supports three compression options: good quality, better quality, and best quality. The latter preserves the most quality. Click the Resize button to download your image.

Explore more features

Resize icon


Resize your images to the perfect size.

Convert icon


Convert your images to or from JPG, PNG, GIF, and WEBP.

Watermark icon

Add watermark

Showcase your logo and protect your work.

Text icon

Add text

Add text to your images to tell a story.

Black and white icon

Black and white

Convert your images to black and white for a vintage look.

Mirror icon

Mirror and flip

Reflect your images vertically or horizontally.