Resize your images

Our image editor is free, fun, and fast. Resize, compress, convert, and edit with a few simple clicks.

Get started
Upload image
Drop an image or click here
Resizing images the easy way! mascot

Designed for simplicity

Good things come in threes. Upload, resize, and bring your images to life with beautiful edits.

Upload icon


Quick and simple, upload your image.

Resize icon


Resize your image to the size needed.

Edit icon


Compress, convert, and edit for extra effect.

Resize features

Resize icon

Resize by pixel

Define the desired width and height of your image.

Resize icon

Resize by percentage

Set a percentage to increase or decrease the size of your image.

Resize icon

Resize for social

Presets for the most popular social media websites.

Editing features

Compress icon


Set the quality and reduce the size of your images.

Convert icon


Convert your images to or from JPG, PNG, GIF, and WEBP.

Text icon

Add text

Add text to your images to tell a story.

Watermark icon

Add watermark

Showcase your logo and protect your work.

Mirror icon

Mirror and flip

Reflect your images vertically or horizontally.

Black and white icon

Black and white

Convert your images to black and white for a vintage look.


Well, it's an image resizer and editor packed into one convenient and free app. There are no subscriptions and you don't need to register an account. Simply resize your images on the fly!

Our handy-dandy editor supports PNG, JPG, WebP, and GIF images.

Privacy concerns? We hear you! With, images never leave your device since our editor does all the work locally in your web browser.

Technically, your images never reach our server. We do collect some stats to improve and monitor our app. That's it! reduces image size using a smart and fast bilinear algorithm. This technique produces optimal results for most graphical content, however, it may not be as effective when resizing high-contrast images (such as logos) to a very small size.

Smaller image sizes mean faster load times online! For optimal web performance, you can compress images. Adjust the quality settings for even smaller sizes.

It's a free app! But we do have to pay our landlord (our hosting company), so we may show ads or promote affiliate offers. We hope they don't distract you from your edits.

We would love to hear from you! For feedback, bugs, feature requests, and collaborations, please email or message us on X where we also post some cool stats. Do follow along!